The look is through

In the presence of other people, we behave better, even if this presence is only apparent.

This conclusion was reached by British psychologists Melissa Bateson, Daniel Nettle (Daniel Nettle) and Gilbert Roberts.

For 10 weeks, in the recreation room for teachers and students of the University of Newcasl (Great Britain), they watched how much money visitors voluntarily lowering into a tin jar as a payment of coffee, tea and milk.

In those days when a large photo image of a person’s eyes hung next to the prices with a gaze, the revenue was almost three times more than in the days when a photo of a bouquet of flowers was placed on the wall. What is the „view from the outside” to us?

Commented by Vadim Petrovsky, transactor analyst

“The effect of such images, of course, is. But it can be different depending on who exactly looks and who catches his eyes. In our experiment (in the early 80s) we asked students to complete educational tasks before the teacher’s photo. Different teachers influenced the students differently. Someone’s “presence” made the child honestly solve the tasks, and someone as if provoked to spy the answer, write off. A look in the photo can “respond” in different parts of the personality. In an adult, based on the mind, will and controls its life, photo -observation will only strengthen an independent, mature position in which there is simply no need to violate the rules. Those who have developed a parent’s instance will join the silent look-seeker and will be in their hands with even more confidence, not succumbing to temptations. But if a child is strong in a person, then there may be a reaction, disobedience. The gaze from the poster will work as a provocation: what if you try? The forbidden fruit is so sweet. „

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